Master the art of tumbling with our specialized tumbling classes accommodating all skill levels. From beginners learning the fundamentals
to seasoned athletes pushing for more, we provide the guidance and expertise you need to reach your goals.
These classes are open to both team and non-team members. We operate on continuous open enrollment which means that as long as the class is open, you can start whenever you'd like without needing to wait for a session to start. Our tumbling classes require no long term commitment and is a great fit for any tumbler looking to take their skills to the next level. See below for our class descriptions:
Tumbling 101 - This is our entry level class covering all foundational tumbling skills up to a front and back walkover. Skills taught in this class include rolls, handstands, cartwheels, round offs, front and back walkovers.
Back Handspring Class - In this class, athletes will work on both standing and running back handspring skills. They will work to improve on front tumbling skills including front walkover and front handsprings. In order to join this class athletes must have already mastered a back walkover.
Level 2 Tumbling - Athletes will have needed to master a standing and running back handspring in addition to a back walkover back handspring. In this class, athletes will work on round off back handspring series, front walkover round off back handspring series, valdez back handspring step out back walkover back handspring, and starting on tuck drills.
Level 3 Tumbling - Athletes will begin to work on jumps to immediate back handsprings, standing back handspring series, round off back handspring tucks, punch fronts, front handspring bounders and aerials. Athletes will begin to work on standing tucks and layout shapes.
Level 4 Tumbling - Athletes will begin to work on standing back handsprings to tuck, standing tucks, round off back handspring layouts, tumbling out of a punch front and/or front handspring and working on whip handsprings and bounders. Front walkover to tucks and punch front, round off hand spring tucks will need to be mastered before moving on to this level.
Level 5 Tumbling - This class is designed for the athlete looking to learn and/or perfect their twisting skills. We will introduce arabian skills as well as work on fulls and double fulls. Athletes will work on standing back handspring series to whip tucks and layouts, standing fulls, standing back handspring series to fulls and doubles, Round off back handspring fulls and doubles, as well as specialty skills to fulls and doubles. This is an ELITE class and athletes must have master ALL level 4 skills before entering into this class.
Champion Athletics stunt & flyer classes are designed for the athlete looking to learn or perfect their skills in the air by stunting with Champion Staff. CoEd and group stunting is offered in these technique based classes to not only help develop body awareness, control, and flexibility, but also confidence in the air. We will teach different variations of stunts for all levels of cheer. This class is open to members and not members of our All Star teams. If you are a current flyer on a team, we encourage you to check this class out!